The Monthly Mantra for February

Welcome to another month of working with Onward! This month as we move into Chapter 9, we explore the habit of being a learner, the disposition of curiosity and take a dive into shame.

Here at Onward, we are offering a monthly mantra that will go with the habit and disposition for the month. With February being around mid school year, you may have the bandwidth now to reflect on how you learn and return to your beginner’s mind. Elena shares in the opening of Chapter 9: “If we see challenges as opportunities for learning, if we engage our curiosity whenever we are presented with an obstacle, we’re more likely to find solutions. This habit and disposition help us not just survive adversity but thrive in the aftermath.” Learning is a path to growth and resilience.

So we offer you this mantra for February that focuses on the learning trajectory that you are on as you cultivate resilience: I am becoming. I am becoming the person I want to be. Each day, I work to make myself more the person I want to be. Allow this mantra to be empowering as you work on being a learner and bringing curiosity into your life. Hopefully you were following us last month and played around with the mantra we offered. If mantras are new to you, explore the uses and benefits here.

Have fun exploring the many uses of mantras as seek out opportunities to be curious and learn this month. Share your stories in the comments to help build our community here.