Each chapter of Onward will share a habit and a disposition and take a dive into an emotion. So for the month of June as we read chapter 1 and explore knowing ourselves and our purposefulness, we take a dive into vulnerability. Elena Aguilar shares that “Vulnerability is a path toward wholeness and connection.” When I watch this video on implicit bias that is exactly what I think of.
Frank Somerville, news anchor from Oakland, California shares his story about being a white dad to an African American adopted daughter. He shares how his racial bias caught him by surprise. His vulnerability helps us all have this much needed conversation on implicit bias. Somerville shares that “You can’t change anything unless you look yourself in the mirror and say I have this bias and what am I going to do about it.”
As you explore chapter 1 and focus on knowing yourself and your purposefulness, dive into vulnerability and see how when you move outside of your comfort zone, you might be stronger than you think.