Listening to this Ted Radio Hour podcast, I can’t help but think of the impact that Onward is having. The podcast is called Inspire to Action, and it shares stories of inspirational leaders and movements. Stories are shared about why some movements and leaders make more of an impact than others.
I was multitasking while I was listening (one of the reasons why I have been loving podcasts lately…I listen while on a walk, working around the house, or driving). So as I was listening, I was also looking through Elena’s twitter feed and I was so inspired by all of the Onward readers who are sharing their pictures as they begin their dive into both the book and The Onward Workbook. I was reminded of the invitation that Elena shares in the introduction to Onward: “With this book, I’m inviting you to join a movement toward self-knowledge, understanding, and acceptance; toward embracing emotions and creating space for them in our public professional spaces; and toward authentic community among adults, between adults and children, and for youth, so that we may create spaces where young people can acquire the skills to thrive. I hope you will be part of this movement.”
So please keep sharing. You are part of a movement. And you just never know who you are inspiring to join the movement too. Together we are building movements for change. We are building community. We are cultivating our resilience.