Throughout The Onward Workbook, Elena Aguilar offers a variety of activities that connect us to the habit and disposition of the month. This month of February, we focus on the habit of being a learner and the disposition of curiosity.
One activity this month is titled The Million-Dollar Question: What Can I Learn? Here is what Elena shares: this chapter’s habit, Be a Learner, is a stance to embody. At its core, this stance is an invocation to remember that whenever you’re in a difficult moment, you can ask yourself, What can I learn right now?
Asking this question catapults you into a learning stance from which you can see challenges as opportunities for growth, rather than as threats. Asking yourself this question can subtly shift you away from identifying too closely with an emotion that you feel. The trick is to remember to ask yourself this question when strong emotions are triggered.
Write this on a piece of paper – What can I learn right now? – and post it on the wall. How many times cab you ask yourself this today?