Once You Know Yourself, then You Can Believe in Yourself

Chapter 1 of Onward is about knowing yourself, your core values, your personality type, your strengths, your sociopolitical identity…all parts of you. And as Elena Aguila shares, “Self-knowledge is the portal through which we cultivate our disposition of purposefulness.”

And this is why I love this video How I Went From Compton to Google. This video speaks to so much of what Onward is about. Anthony D. Mays is a software developer at Google. Anthony’s story is one we all need to hear. He shares that “Compton to me is a rose bush of beauty and pain. You see people that will deal with despair. That deal with struggle. And they’re just trying to get by, from day to day. But you see this resiliency. You see this strength. You see this courage to just keep on persevering.”

Watch and share your story of how you are cultivating your purposefulness.