Welcome to another month of working with Onward! You have made it to the last chapter, and I can almost feel the warmth radiating from you from all the work you have put in this year to cultivate your resilience. So this month we get to celebrate! As we move into Chapter 12, we explore the habit of celebration and appreciation, the disposition of trust and take a dive into awe and wonder.
If you are newer to Onward, we are offering a monthly mantra that will go with the habit and disposition for the month. As the school year ends, it is a perfect time to celebrate and appreciate the year we have had together. And this celebration and appreciation will lay the foundation for resilience in the days ahead.
Elena Aguilar begins this chapter by sharing: Individual and collective celebration, as well as the practice of gratitude, is the. capstone to the habits in this book. Even during hard moments, if we can shift into a stance of appreciation, we’ll build our resilience. Appreciation cultivates our trust in ourselves, in a process, and perhaps in something greater, which helps us respond to the inevitable challenges of life.
So we offer you this mantra for May that focuses on the simple act of finding the best in ourselves and others to celebrate: I will always see the best in myself, and I will always see the best in others. Allow this mantra to guide your gratitude practice this month. Hopefully you were following us last month and played around with the mantra we offered. If mantras are new to you, explore the uses and benefits here.
Have fun exploring the many uses of mantras as you seek out opportunities to celebrate and appreciate this month. Share your stories in the comments to help build our community here.