Often we find that words don’t do a picture justice. I had the same feelings as I sat down to share my thoughts about Onward. How would I ever be able to put into words the power that lies within this book….and then I remembered this video that I had seen. This 10-year-old girl at the top of a ski jump is everything that Onward is. Each time I watch it, I get filled up. From the range of emotions and how we interpret those emotions that are discussed in Chapter 2 to the dispositions of resilient people that are shared in each chapter. The positive self-perception (Chapter 6) she shows with her internal talk of You’ve got this gets me in the heart every time I watch it. Not to mention the perspective (Chapter 8) and courage (Chapter 10) she shows as she talks herself into the jump…It’s just a bigger 20. And I am reminded so often in life that it’s just a bigger 20!
What dispositions resonate the most with you? Which do you feel are your best asset? Which would you like to become more intentional about focusing on?
This picture of me is from a recent trip to Disneyland. It captures so much of what Onward means to me….the crazy wild ride that life often is. How can we embrace and find joy in it? That is my challenge to myself daily. What do you challenge yourself with?