Here at Onward, we are offering a monthly mantra that will go with the habit and disposition for the month. These connected mantras will start in June when we focus on the habit of knowing yourself and the disposition of purposefulness. If mantras are new to you, explore the uses and benefits here.
For this kick-off month, we offer you the following mantra: I choose to be happy. I do not wait for happiness to find me. I cultivate happiness and love and express it outwardly, even in the face of fear. I have the power within me to let my happiness and joy shine outward, unblocked by uncertainty.
Have fun playing around with this mantra, and let us know how it goes this month!
Knowing and Doing are sometimes two different things, so the monthly mantra post was a reminder that I Know I should Do this more regularly. So — I’ve been practicing the “I Choose Happiness” mantra this month, and I have been reminded of how using the mantra in different ways helps me set my intentions daily. It is also giving me a way to pause before I respond or react in a way that is not best for the situation. Thank you for the reminder!
I love that you connected the mantra to your intentions Cheryl! The pause before your respond is a key element of mindfulness that is also so important for cultivating our resilience. Thanks for sharing.