Flow as a Form of Meditation

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Yesterday we took a dive into flow with our post, A Flow State of Mind. Today we want to offer flow as a way to find our purpose and clarity. These are the amazing benefits we usually get through meditation; however I want to explore this concept through flow.

In the article, Too Fidgety to Meditate? Tap Into a State of Flow Instead, shares the connection between flow, creativity and meditation: “Brit Morin, who’s made a living out being creative as the founder of Brit + Co, a media and commerce company, says that pursuing that state of flow works works better for her than more traditional relaxation techniques.’I find that creativity puts me in that state of flow,’ Morin told BETTER. “I tried to meditate and I’m not a great sitting meditator. I’m more of a moving meditator … if I’m cooking, if I’m sewing, if I’m waiting or if I’m running, I hit that same state in my head.”

So play around. What happens to your purpose when you find yourself in a state of flow?