The Monthly Mantra for April

Welcome to another month of working with Onward! I can’t believe we only have two chapters to go! This month as we move into Chapter 11, we explore the habit of riding the waves of change, the disposition of perseverance and take a dive into patience.

Here at Onward, we are offering a monthly mantra that will go with the habit and disposition for the month. Onward also explores why cultivating the habit and disposition during this specific month is so helpful. Although change is constant, spring brings especially high levels of change to schools. Learn to ride those waves of change with focus, patience, persistence, and courage.

So we offer you this mantra for April that focuses on the simplicity of carrying on even in the face of change to cultivate resilience: I can and I will. Allow this mantra to be empowering as you are faced with change. Hopefully you were following us last month and played around with the mantra we offered. If mantras are new to you, explore the uses and benefits here.

Have fun exploring the many uses of mantras as you seek out opportunities to ride the waves of change this month. Share your stories in the comments to help build our community here.