The Power Lies in the Questions Asked

This month at Onward, we are focusing on the habit of riding the waves of change. And as with many of the posts I share, I am always looking for the practical strategies that can be used to boost our resilience.

I just love this advice that Elena Aguilar shares in Chapter 11 of Onward: When change hits, take the time to ask yourself these questions:

  • What else do I need to know in order to have a more complete understanding of
    what’s going on? Who might be able to provide that information?
  • What’s the story I’m telling about this change? How could someone else see this
    change? Who might be able to share another perspective on it?
  • What are the ways that this change might affect kids and the community I serve?
  • What is within my influence?
  • What am I free to choose right now? What do I want?
  • What resources do I have available to me? What can I draw on to cope with this
  • What might be possible if I challenge this change? What will happen if I sit it
    out and wait for it to pass?

There is so much power in pausing, owning the space and asking yourself these questions.