Using Positive Self-talk to Cultivate Resilience

Here at Onward we are focusing this month on the disposition Positive Self Perception. As Elena shares in Chapter 6, if you want to bounce back quickly after setbacks, if you want to be resilient, you must place high value on the bouncy object: your self. When you value your mind, heart, body, and spirit, you’ll quickly make choices that foster your resilience; you’ll do whatever it takes to bounce back.

Positive self-talk can help lead you t0 valuing yourself more. Need a little inspiration? Watch this daily affirmations video of a dad and daughter in the bathroom mirror. Almost impossible to have a bad day when it starts our like that! Imagine if you added a little positive self-talk to your morning routine or perhaps even as you head into work. If you do, you will be boosting that resilience!!!!