Something tells me that after watching this video on The Science of Anger you are going to want some resources for adding a daily meditation practice into your life:) If you haven’t checked out these meditations on our resources tab on our website yet, they are great for beginners and seasoned meditators alike.
The mind body connection has always been fascinating to me. When I started teaching yoga 15 years ago, I taught exclusively at yoga studios. The majority of my clients were there for the combined physical and mental/spiritual benefits of yoga. And then I picked up a few classes at a health club. I noticed people coming to class late after we had already done some opening breathing work. And then at the end of class there we people who would role up their mats and leave before savasana or final relaxation pose….BEFORE savasana…were they crazy??? (For those of you who have never tried yoga, you can learn about savasana here.) That’s why we do yoga. To learn to surrender. To allow our breath to calm our bodies as we move into a relaxed state in both mind and body.
So if you find yourself with a lot of anger coming up, learn to breathe and surrender and start a meditation practice….and please don’t ever leave a yoga class before savasana:)