I feel at a loss for words these days. So much uncertainty and everything is changing hour by hour, so by the time you are reading this, I truly am not sure what state we will be in.
I live in California and our county just put us on a shelter in place directive. I grew up right outside San Francisco and spent my early 20s living in The City. Many family members and close friends still call The City home. As I searched for something to share with you all, I came across this. And honestly maybe I’m sharing it more for me than for you, but just thought this little glimpse of resilience might be exactly what you needed today from the city that I love so much.
March, here at Onward is about the habit of play and create. How can we add more of this into our lives to cultivate our resilience? I have been so inspired by all that creativity that I am seeing on social media. From the professional artists, performers, and authors who are sharing their talents for the world often in vulnerable ways from their living rooms – to the creativity I am seeing from parents who are now home and finding creative outlets for their kids. One thing I do know for sure, our resilience will definitely be tested in the weeks and months ahead. Let’s come together in community to support each other as we need this now more than ever. Sending you all much love.