How Do You Connect With Others and Yourself?
Hopefully you subscribe to our Onward newsletter and you saw that my word for 2020 is CONNECTION. This is a core value of mine,…
Hopefully you subscribe to our Onward newsletter and you saw that my word for 2020 is CONNECTION. This is a core value of mine,…
Let’s finish this month off with a podcast. We have spent time all month focusing on the habit of riding the waves of change,…
What is the purpose of life? This question is one that his Holiness the Dalai Lama set out to answer in a practical way…
Earlier this month we explored Why It’s Hard to Focus on the Bright Spots and looked at the role of our brains’s wiring, more…
Recently, Elena shared this ON Being blog by Sharon Salzberg with me: Happiness Is An Arm of Resilience. As I read it, I kept…
What truly makes us happy? So often we are living in the past or too focused on the future. When we stop and focus…
This is a great podcast interview with Matthieu Ricard, a Tibetan Buddhist monk who understands happiness.
Watch these quadruplets hugging and notice how much better you feel.